Note: OOG = “Out Of Gas”

The paymaster’s validatePaymasterUserOp function encountered an issue:

  • It may have reverted unexpectedly
  • It may have exhausted its gas allocation

Troubleshooting Steps

  1. Gas Limit Check:

    • Increase the verificationGasLimit to cover validatePaymasterUserOp costs
  2. For Custom Paymaster Contracts:

    • Review validatePaymasterUserOp implementation
    • Ensure proper signature verification logic (avoid reverting for invalid signatures)
    • For non-time-based signatures, return uint(1) for invalid signatures
  3. For Third-Party Paymaster Services:

  4. When Not Using a Paymaster:

    • Ensure the paymasterAndData field is not set:
    const opHash = await bundler.sendUserOp({
      paymasterAndData: "0x",
      // Additional operation details...
  5. Advanced Debugging:

    • Utilize tools like Tenderly for in-depth analysis